We are introducing our platform designed for Product Arena warriors, looking to upskill their workforce and stay ahead of the competition. Our app offers a wide range of lectures and training programs, covering everything from Full stack, and Backend to QA, UI/UX, and Product Management.With our app, our warriors can access high-quality educational content anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace. They can choose from all courses taught by industry experts, all of which are carefully curated and designed to meet the specific needs of IT professionals.Our fully customizable app allows you to create tailored learning paths for your employees based on their skill levels and job requirements. You can also track their progress, set goals, and measure the effectiveness of your training programs in real time.Some of the key features of our app include the following:- A vast library of courses and training programs on a wide range of IT topics,- Customizable learning paths and personalized recommendations,- User-friendly interface and intuitive navigation,- Interactive learning tools, quizzes(soon), and assessments,- Progress tracking and reporting,- Collaborative learning and knowledge-sharing through discussion forums and community groups(soon).Investing in your employees’ education is one of the best things you can do to improve their performance, boost morale, and drive innovation in your organization. With our app, you can take your training programs to the next level and empower your workforce with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in today’s competitive IT landscape.Web version: https://delta.pa1.arena387.comGitHub: https://github.com/bSemir/DeltaTeamPA1Δ members:- Full stack developers: Adnan Kovacevic, Amar Besic, Kenan Novalic, Mubarak Adam Ibnu Chambas, Muhamed Sljivic- Backend developer: Semir Blekic- QA: Amrudin Catic- Product Managers: Ernad Glavinic, Omer Karasalihovic- UI/UX: Barbara Damjanovic, Bilal Cesovic, Dzevad Beslagic, Marin Taraba